The assessment process of VZ-RSI

The process of assessment for rating has two stages.


In the first stage information is gathered through a structured questionnaire- ‘Compliance Assessment Questionnaire’ (CAQ) pertaining to the specific manufacturing industry. The CAQ collects administrative and technical data including cost of the project, manpower engagement, time schedules, approvals of different competent authorities, etc. Participation in stage-1 is free of charge.

The assessment of the site is made on the basis of level of compliance of the acts, rules and regulations, standards and applicable systems in the country. The safety performance is evaluated in terms of number of accidents (number of fatal/non-fatal reportable accidents, near miss incidents) and its assessment in the light of national average frequency rate.

The questionnaire collects the information pertaining to safety, health and environment monitoring.

Information is also collected pertaining to applicable accreditation systems such as Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) Management System (ISO 45001), Environmental Management System -EMS (ISO 14001), Code of Practice on Occupational Safety and Health Audit (IS 14489), Quality Management System (ISO 9001), etc., in India.

Information submitted by the manufacturing plants and construction sites through the Compliance Assessment Questionnaire will be processed.

The validity of the information submitted will be verified (if necessary) with the concerned agencies and authorities and if no adversities found in the compliance of the acts, rules and regulations, standards and applicable systems existing in the country, you will be allowed to proceed to stage-II.

In case the site fails in qualifying in the stage-1, it will not be allowed to proceed for stage-2. In case a site is willing to improve occupational safety, health and wellbeing, the site will be provided on-line/off-line consultancy sessions for improvements.


The manufacturing and construction industries after qualifying the stage-1, will be allowed to proceed for submitting the information through ‘Vision Zero Rating Questionnaire’ (VZ-RQ) along with a processing fee Rs. Thirty Thousand Only (Rs. 30,000/-).

The VZ-RQ is based on the 7 Golden Rules, viz., leadership to demonstrate commitment; identification of hazards for controlling risks; define targets and develop programmes for achieving them; ensure a safe and healthy system through a well-organised approach; ensuring safe and healthy machines, equipment and workplaces; developing competence by improving qualifications; and invest in people.

The VZ-RQ thus submitted will pass through a four-step evaluation process.

  • Step-1: Administrative Scrutiny
  • Step-2: Technical Scrutiny
  • Step-3: Technical Assessment
  • Step-4: Final assessment and award of Rating